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A principled obligation to block copyright infringing websites

For the Dutch Magazine for Internet Law Hanneke van Lith was co-author on an annotation about the judgement of the Court of Justice regarding the obligation to block copyright infringing websites. Below is a short introduction and a link to the full article (in Dutch).
New technologies make it possible to digitally exchange information faster, more often and in bigger quantities. Communication is key! On the other hand these technologies also allow more abuse. This particularly concerns the violation of copyright on the internet, for example through P2P webistes or so-called torrentwebsites. Therefore for a while right holders have been in a constant battle against websites that make their works available to internet users without their permission.
However, the providers of these websites are often untraceable and therefore the right holders try to achieve their goal by forcing ISPs to block the access to these websites. It should be clear that blocking websites leads to complicated technical issues, but it also leads to matters of principle. In this regard, shutting down The Pirate Bay was a controversial issue in The Netherlands. But not only in The Netherlands, also in other Member States of the European Union the discussion about shutting down websites is fierce. We all waited anxiously for a 'redemptive' answer by the European Court of Justice.
Read the whole article here.